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<div class="new">Price Drop on</div><img class="e12-logo" src="https://d1tp32r8b76g0z.cloudfront.net/images/creative/brands/Bridgestone/2019-02_e12Launch/logo-e12.png"/>
<div class="softspeed">Soft &amp; Speed</div>
<div class="plus">Plus $5.00 Off Personalization!</div>
<div class="block">
<div class="prices">
<div class="was"><span>$42.00</span></div>
<div class="now"><span>$24.95</span></div>
<div class="swing-speed"><img src="https://d1tp32r8b76g0z.cloudfront.net/images/creative/brands/Bridgestone/2019-02_e12Launch/swing-speed.png"/>
<div class="promo">
<p>For $5.00 off Personalization, use code at checkout:</p><span>PRINTED</span>
<ul class="skus">
<li><a class="imgLink" href="/Golf-Balls/Balls/Bridgestone-e12-Soft-Golf-Balls.htm"><img class="box" src="https://d1tp32r8b76g0z.cloudfront.net/images/creative/brands/Bridgestone/2019-02_e12Launch/e12-soft-white.png" alt="e12 Soft"/></a><a class="cta white" href="/Golf-Balls/Balls/Bridgestone-e12-Soft-Golf-Balls.htm"><span>Shop e12 Soft</span></a>
<li><a class="imgLink" href="/Golf-Balls/Balls/Bridgestone-e12-Speed-Golf-Ball.htm"><img class="box" src="https://d1tp32r8b76g0z.cloudfront.net/images/creative/brands/Bridgestone/2019-02_e12Launch/e12-speed.png" alt="e12 Speed"/></a><a class="cta white" href="/Golf-Balls/Balls/Bridgestone-e12-Speed-Golf-Ball.htm"><span>Shop e12 Speed</span></a>
<li><a class="imgLink" href="/Golf-Balls/Balls/Bridgestone-e12-Soft-Matte-Red-Bulk-Golf-Balls.htm"><img class="box" src="https://d1tp32r8b76g0z.cloudfront.net/images/creative/brands/Bridgestone/2020-08_e12PriceDrop/landing/e12-matte-red-bulk.png" alt="e12 Soft Red Bulk"/></a><a class="cta red" href="/Golf-Balls/Balls/Bridgestone-e12-Soft-Matte-Red-Bulk-Golf-Balls.htm"><span>Shop e12 Soft Red Bulk</span></a>
<div class="features">
<div class="feature"><img src="https://d1tp32r8b76g0z.cloudfront.net/images/creative/brands/Bridgestone/2019-02_e12Launch/logo-delta.png"/>
<p>e12 utilizes Bridgestone's patented Delta Wing Dimple pattern for less drag and smoother airflow when the ball is in flight. The enhanced aerodynamics increase the straight distance properties of e12 SOFT.</p>
<div class="feature"><img src="https://d1tp32r8b76g0z.cloudfront.net/images/creative/brands/Bridgestone/2019-02_e12Launch/logo-active.png"/>
<p>e12 features the Active Acceleration Mantle which is comprised of a new High Performance Polymer material with added surfactant that creates increased thrust and higher initial ball velocity at impact.</p>
<div class="straight"><img src="https://d1tp32r8b76g0z.cloudfront.net/images/creative/brands/Bridgestone/2019-02_e12Launch/logo-straight-distance.png"/>
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