Best Ball Yet
Previously used the Nike PD Long neon golf ball but haven't been able to find it anywhere, even online so I ordered the Nike PD Soft Neon ball to give them a try. To my amazement, the PD Soft feels much better off all the clubs and unbelievably, I've picked up 5 - 10 yards...and 90% of the time, my drives are in the fairway now! Go figure! For a guy that's 72 years old that previously scored in the high 90's, my score has consistently been in the low to mid 80's since I started using this ball a month ago and that ain't bad! I'm a once a week or once golfer and really like this ball. When I hit it squarely off the tee or with my hybrides off the fairway, I outdrive them young whipper-snappers (sometimes.) Yesterday, for the first time, I was on a 475 yard par 5 in TWO using this ball (YAHOO.) It's highly visible on and off the fairway and has a soft feel off the putter. Yes, I recommend this golf ball and give it 5 stars. Nike: Please don't stop making this ball!!!