Treating me like #2
First of all, let me say my order arrived on time and in good shape, thank you.
As I opened my shiny new golf balls and prepared to grab my shiny new sleeve of Callaway Supersoft #3s – always the first sleeve out of the box – Imagine my confusion and dismay to find that every sleeve is a #2.
How does this happen? Is it possible to always get the same number? Is this a special order?
How do I get Callaway Supersoft #3s by the dozen?
Imagine the possibilities, a dozen golf balls numbered with threes – the perfect box.
Imagine the possibilities of a dozen golf balls with the number 1. They scream “Yes, I am number 1!”, humbly this is not true but we know 90% of a good swing is confidence.
But alas – I got a dozen #2, and I will probably play like #2 (hashtag sad-face, poop emoji)
Please note that my superstitions around ball number will not prevent me from playing well, although all three of my hole-in-one balls were #3s
I would love to know if it is possible to get a box with all #3 balls.