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Hole In One LogoAuthorized Dealer
Hole In One The Exploder Exploding Golf Balls
Hole In One LogoAuthorized Dealer

Hole In One The Exploder Exploding Golf Balls

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Product Description

The Exploding Golf Ball lends itself to endless joke situations. Try it. Bet your golf partner that he can't repeat that great long iron shot...drop the exploding golf ball on the fairway...and stand back for the biggest laugh ever!

  • Get Ready to Laugh
  • Looks like a Real Golf Ball!

Product Reviews

Avg Rating: 5 out of 5 User Ratings & Reviews (3)


West Miami, FL

Handicap 21 - 30

I wish I could post the video of the ball exploding.


Glendale, CA

Handicap 21 - 30

Exploder works.
I rolled one on the ground for my brother to hit after he went into the water. Man, he just lined up and WHACK!-Pooof! Everyone around just busted up laughing. Timing is pretty critical in trying to sneak it to someone to hit, it's a little lighter than ordinary and might get detected. Otherwise, fabulous.


Taylor, PA

Handicap 0 - 5

It is the greastest gag in the book....Amazing.....I got my friend with it! lol
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